The Business Case for Outsourced HR partners becoming complete business partners.
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“Given that employee retention, Learning & Development, performance management, succession, talent management are all linked in an SME, there is a huge value in a trusted Outsourced HR partner providing a full-service package to its customers.” Richard Gourlay - IMPROVE Online
Developing your relationship with your customer is at the heart of a successful business. A SME business owner who wants their business to succeed needs to be able to rely upon their vital partners to grow with them as they mature. For many Outsourced HR companies that means developing new products and services to support their clients as they grow.
Moving from offering pieces of support to a full-service offering, not only protects you and your relationship with your customer. In growing your offering with your key customers is where you move from being a supplier to a strategic business partner.
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Adding in services to customers not only shifts the relationship with your fastest growing customers, increasing your income with your best customers, it also allows an Outsourced HR partner to become embedded as a true partner, acting in the role of a Non-Executive Director (NED) to that business. Improving your Return On Investment (ROI) with your customers by multiplying your income with your key partners, allows the Outsourced Partner to grow without expanding your customer numbers.
One of the biggest challenges facing SME’s is how to develop their business to be able to grow. This is where adding in Learning & Development (L&D) makes perfect sense. Outsourced HR partners do the leg work around people, the hiring, reporting and firing, so why not add in the development of them.
Using IMPROVE Online learning platform an Outsourced HR Partner can provide a whole suit of resources through our online platform which provides the full set of tools they need to design, implement, manage and report back on the learning their customers business has undertaken.
IMPROVE Online provides all the tools a Outsourced HR Partner needs to be able to integrate L&D into their offering to their clients, with support toolkits, webinars and practical training on using our Partner Hub facility.